Clatita la cuptor / Dutch Baby Pancake

Dutch Baby Pancake Receipt

Sunt o mare iubitoare de clatite. Dulci, sarate… clatite sa fie.

Cand am descoperit aceasta clatita uriasa, am simtit ca va fi urmatoarea favorita asa ca nu am stat prea mult pe ganduri si m-am apucat de treaba. Am facut-o deja de doua ori intr-o singura saptamana, este delicioasa ๐Ÿ˜‹. Si partea faina e ca poti pune ce vrei pe ea: fructe, miere, sirop de artar, nutella, sos caramel, si lista poate continua.

Dutch Baby Pancake topped with berries

Scroll down for the English recipe


  • 3 oua

  • 100g faina

  • 11/2 linguri zahar

  • 150ml lapte

  • cateva picaturi esenta de vanilie

  • un praf de sare

  • 30g unt

  • Pentru decor
  • 1 lingurita zahar pudra

  • afine si caise (sau orice alt fruct dupa preferinta)


  • Intr-un bol am mixat ouale cu zaharul pana se dubleaza compozitia.
  • Am adaugat faina, laptele, esenta de vanilie si sarea si am mixat cateva minute pana s-au incorporat ingredientele. Am lasat compozitia deoparte la “odihnit”.
  • Am dat drumul la cuptor la 200ยฐC si am bagat tigaia (ร˜=24cm) in cuptor sa se incalzeasca.
  • Cand cuptorul a ajuns la temperatura setata, am scos tigaia si am adaugat untul taiat cubulete. Am rotit de tigaie incat untul sa ajunga pe toata suprafata tigaii, inclusiv pe margini.
  • Am turnat compozitia in tigaie si am dat la cuptor pentru aproximativ 18 minute, pana cand clatita e umflata si rumenita pe margini.
  • Am scos din cuptor, am presarat zahar pudra si am adaugat afine si caise.


  • 3 eggs

  • 100g all-purpose flour

  • 11/2 Tbsp sugar

  • 150ml milk

  • a few drops of vanilla extract

  • a pinch of salt

  • 30g butter

  • Topping
  • 1 tsp caster sugar

  • blueberries and apricots (or any other favorite fruit)


  • In a bowl mix the eggs and sugar until double the size.
  • Add the flour, milk, vanilla extract and salt and mix until combined. Set aside the batter.
  • Preheat the oven to 200ยฐC and put a frying pan / skillet (ร˜=24cm) into the oven to heat up.
  • When ready, remove the pan from the oven and put the butter into the hot pan and swirl it to melt.
  • Pour in the batter and return it to the oven. Bake for 18 minutes, or until the edges are golden brown.
  • Serve with caster sugar, blueberries and apricots.


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