Mi-am cumparat niste hartii aurii de briose, foarte fancy, si trebuia sa fac o reteta care sa fie pe masura. In caz ca nu aveti inspiratie pentru Craciun, aceste briose se potrivesc perfect – sunt delicate ca un fulg de zapada si au un iz de sarbatori de la aroma de portocala.
EN: I bought myself some golden muffin liners, fancy as sh*t, so I had to bake something that fits perfectly into those liners. In case you don’t have any ideas for Christmas baking, these muffins are perfect – they are soft and delicate, like a snowflake and they smell like winter due to the orange flavour.

- Pentru aluat
4 oua
100g unt topit
150ml ulei floarea soarelui
9 linguri faina
7 linguri zahar
100ml fresh de portocale (~ sucul de la o portocala medie)
1 lingurita coaja rasa de portocala sau lamaie
1 plic de praf de copt
- Pentru crema
500ml lapte
3 linguri zahar + 1 lingura zahar vanilinat
2+1/2 linguri amidon
4 galbenusuri
1 lingurita esenta de vanilie (o fiola)
- Prepararea cremei
- Prima data am pregatit crema, sa aiba timp sa se raceasca.
Am incalzit laptele pana inainte sa fiarba. L-am dat deoparte. - Intr-un bol am mixat galbenusurile cu zaharul pana s-au deschis la culoare.
- Am adaugat amidonul si am amestecat cu un tel.
- Am turnat laptele, putin cate putin, peste crema de galbenusuri, amestecand in permanenta, sa nu se faca cocoloase.
- Cand s-au incorporat toate ingredientele, am transferat compozitia intr-o cratita, pe care am bagat-o in alta cratita cu apa pentru a fierbe crema pe baie de aburi.
- Se amesteca din cand in cand, sa nu se formeze cocoloase.
- Cand crema a ajuns la consistenta unei budinci, am luat-o de pe foc, am adaugat esenta de vanilie si am lasat-o la racit. (Se amesteca din cand in cand, sa nu se formeze crusta)
- Prepararea brioselor
- Intr-un bol, am mixat ouale cu zaharul pana si-au dublat volumul si zaharul s-a topit.
- Am adaugat uleiul si untul topit, putin cate putin, in timp ce am continuat sa mixez compozitia.
- Am adaugat sucul de portocale si coaja de lamaie, faina cernuta impreuna cu praful de copt si am amestecat cu o lingura de lemn.
- Am turnat compozitia cu o lingura in forme de briose, au iesit 20.
- Am bagat tava in cuptorul preincalzit la 180°C timp de 30 minute. Sunt gata cand capata o culoare aurie deasupra.
- Le-am scos din cuptor si le-am lasat sa se raceasca.
- Asamblarea
- Am decupat circular si un pic conic (stiu ca suna complicat, dar nu e 🙂 ) cu un cutit partea de sus a briosei, insa nu pana la capat. Am repetat procesul pentru toate briosele.
- Am pus crema intr-un sac a poche si am umplut briosele.
- Le-am pudrat cu zahar.
- For the dough
4 eggs
100g melted butter
150ml sunflower oil
9 Tbsp all-purpose flour
7 Tbsp sugar
100ml fresh orange juice
1 tsp orange or lemon zest
10g baking powder
- For the vanilla cream
500ml milk
3 Tbsp sugar + 1 Tbsp vanilla sugar
2+1/2 Tbsp cornstarch
4 yolks
1 tsp vanilla extract
- Vanilla cream
- First, let’s prepare the cream, to let it cool slowly.
Heat the milk in a saucepan until simmering. Set aside. - In a bowl, mix yolks and sugar until double in size.
- Whisk the cornstarch into the mixture.
- Pour the milk into the mixture, whisking constantly.
- Pour the mixture into a saucepan and place it into another saucepan filled with water, to cook the cream “au bain marie”.
- Stir in often until thick.
- The cream is ready when it looks like a pudding, or when it doesn’t run down a spatula completely. Once the mixture has thickened enough, take it from the fire, add the vanilla extract and whisk through the cream. Let it cool at room temperature.
- Muffins
- In a large bowl, mix the eggs and sugar until double in size.
- Pour the oil and the melted butter in while mixing.
- Add the orange juice, lemon zest, sift the flour and baking powder. Use a wooden spoon to mix thoroughly.
- Spoon into paper-lined muffin tins. The dough was enough for 20 muffins.
- Bake for 30 minutes in a preheated oven to 180°C.
- Remove the muffins from the tin and let them cool.
- Muffin assembly
- Cut out a cone shaped piece out of the center of the muffin, close to the edge. Make sure you don’t cut it through the end, the top must remain “sticked” on the muffin. Repeat for all the muffins.
- With a piping bag, fill in the muffins with the vanilla cream.
- Sift confectioners’ sugar.