Madlene cu visine / Sour Cherry Madeleines

Sour-cherry medeleines

Weekend-ul trecut mi-am cumparat o tava pentru madlene. Imi doream de mult sa fac, sa le savurez cu o cafea on the side. (De savurat le-am savurat, dar cu un prosecco ca era fix wine o’clock cand le-am scos din cuptor πŸ˜€ )

EN: Last weekend I bought a madeleines pan. I wanted one for a long time, to bake madeleines and enjoy them with a cup of coffee on the side. (I did enjoy them, but with a glass of Prosecco instead, because by the time they were ready it was wine o’clock πŸ˜€ )

Cam toata saptamana m-am gandit la o reteta, si nu putea fi una simpla mai ales ca era prima data cand fac madlene. Stiam ca am niste visine congelate de la mama, pregatite cu mare grija chiar de ea din livada de visini proprie, asa ca m-am gandit sa le folosesc. Clar au fost “visina” de pe tort πŸ™‚ .

EN: I’ve been thinking about a recipe the whole week. I could not choose a simple one, especially that it’s the first time I bake madeleines, it must be something special. I remembered I got some frozen sour cherries from my mom, from her garden, so I thought I could use them. They were indeed the “sour-cherry” on top πŸ™‚ .


  • 4 oua

  • 5 linguri zahar

  • 9 linguri faina

  • 120g unt

  • 1/2 lingurita praf de copt

  • esenta de vanilie

  • 1 lingurita coaja rasa de lamaie

  • aprox 200g visine congelate (sau proaspete daca sunt in sezon)

  • un praf de sare

  • optional, ciocolata pentru decor

Sour-cherry medeleines ingredients


  • Am scos visinele din congelator sa se dezghete.
  • Am topit untul pe baie de aburi si l-am lasat deoparte.
  • Intr-un bol, am mixat ouale impreuna cu zaharul pana si-au dublat volumul.
  • Am adaugat cateva picaturi de esenta de vanilie, praful de sare, coaja de lamaie, faina in ploaie si praful de copt. Am amestecat toate ingredientele cu o lingura, cu miscari circulare de sus in jos pana cand toate ingredientele s-au incorporat.
  • Am adaugat treptat untul topit, pana cand s-a omogenizat compozitia.
  • Am dat la frigider compozitia timp de o ora.
  • Am setat cuptorul la 190Β°C si am tapetat forma de madlene cu ulei si faina.
  • Dupa o ora, am scos compozitia din frigider si am pus cate o lingurita de aluat in fiecare forma, iar deasupra am pus cate o visina.Medeleines ready to bake
  • Am dat tava la cuptor timp de 15 minute.
  • Le-am scos din forme, le-am lasat la racit si le-am ornat cu ciocolata topita (alba si cu lapte).

Au iesit in total 19 madlene mari, pufoase, aromate.


  • 4 eggs

  • 5 Tbsp sugar

  • 9 Tbsp all-purpose flour

  • 120g butter

  • 1/2 tsp baking powder

  • vanilla extract

  • 1 tsp lemon zest

  • 200g sour cherry (fresh or frozen)

  • a pinch of salt

  • optional, chocolate for dipping


  • Defrost the sour cherries.
  • Melt the butter and set aside to cool until you prepare the rest of the batter. You can melt it in the microwave or on the stovetop.
  • Using a mixer, beat the eggs and sugar together for two minutes.
  • Leave the mixer aside and use a wooden spoon or a spatula to whisk the following ingredients: a few drops of vanilla extract, the salt, lemon zest, baking powder and the flour using circular movements until everything combined.
  • Stir 1/3 of the melted butter into the butter. It will take a minute to fully incorporate. Repeat until all butter is incorporated.Β 
  • Cover the batter and chill in the refrigerator for 1 hour.Β 
  • Preheat the oven to 190Β°C and get the pan ready by greasing it.
  • After 1 hour, take the batter out of the fridge and spoon 1 generous tsp of batter into each scalloped. Place a sour cherry in the center of the batter.
  • Bake for 15 minutes.
  • When ready, transfer the madeleines on a wire rack to cool. Dip them in chocolate, if desired.


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