Negresa cu cartof dulce / Sweet potato brownie

Aveam pe lista de mult timp sa incerc un desert super sanatos, cu baza din legume (fasole rosie, cartof dulce sau sfecla rosie). Am tot amanat momentul gandindu-ma ca nu-mi va placea. Dar totusi, cum sa nu-mi placa ceva ce contine cacao? πŸ˜€

Recunosc ca am exagerat un pic cu cacaoa. Daca nu puneti cacao ca la balamuc, ca mine, o sa iasa un desert echilibrat pe gustul tuturor (al meu husband nu s-a incumetat sa guste πŸ™„ ).

EN: For quite some time I wanted to try a healthy vegetable-based dessert recipe (black bean, sweet potato or beet). I kept postponing it thinking I wouldn’t like the taste. But then I thought nothing that has cocoa in it could go wrong.

I might have added too much of cocoa powder (says ‘le husband’ πŸ™„ ), you can add less if you don’t like the bitter taste of dark chocolate.


  • 1 cartof dulce de marime medie, copt in prealabil

  • 3 linguri de cacao (puteti pune 2, daca nu vreti sa iasa intensa)

  • 2 linguri miere

  • 3 linguri unt de arahide


  • Am amestecat toate ingredientele si le-am mixat.
  • Am turnat compozitia intr-o tava mica (18cm x 18cm) tapetata cu hartie de copt.
  • Am bagat tava in cuptorul preincalzit la 180Β°C, timp de 15-18 minute.


  • 1 medium size sweet potato, previously baked

  • 3 Tbsp cocoa powder (use 2 for a less bitter taste)

  • 2 Tbsp honey

  • 3 Tbsp peanut butter


  • Combine all ingredients in a food processor.
  • Prepare a small size baking tray (18cm x 18cm) with parchment paper and transfer the cake batter to it.
  • Bake at 180Β°C for 15-18 minutes.

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